Moolah Points offers you the ability to create a Store Credit Campaign. The Store Credit Campaign will allow your customers to convert Points into In-Store Credit.
- From the Moolah Points Back Office, select Outlet.
- Select the dropdown from the Outlet and choose Campaign.
- The Campaign List will be displayed.
- To Create a Store Credit Campaign, select Add Store Campaign.
- A new window will open.
- From the Campaign Type List, select Store Credit.
- Once Store Credit is selected, Campaign Effects will be displayed and eligible to be filled out.
- You can now input the amount of Points you want to use to convert into an In Store Credit Amount.
- Input the Points value.
- Input the Dollars value.
- Following the choice of your Store Credit Campaign, you also have the ability to set up Campaign Rules.
- Input a Minimum Sales Amount if you want to require a minimum sales in order for the Campaign to be eligible for a Customer.
- Select, Schedule Date to create a Custom Date Range for the Campaign to run through.
- Skip over the Schedule Date if you wish to keep the Campaign Ongoing.
- You will have the option to also set Campaigns to only occur on specific days of the week.
- Select the days you wish the Campaign to occur on.
- If you would like the campaign to be everyday of the week, turn on the All Week Days slider.
- If you would like to target specific Customers or Customer Groups for a Store Credit Campaign, select the Customers or Customer Groups dropdowns.
- Select the Customer or Customer Group you wish to target the Store Credit Campaign towards.
- Select Save to create the Store Credit Campaign.